Government of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation -- Old Crow, Yukon Territory, Canada

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Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
P.O. Box 94
Old Crow, Yukon
Canada, Y0B 1N0
Tel: (867) 966-3261

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Natural Resources Maps

Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory maps that provide you with our land claim agreement, approved land use plan, scientific and traditional knowledge and fish and wildlife data. Please feel free to view and gain knowledge of our Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory. We acknowledge the Yukon Land Use Planning Council, the Yukon & Canadian Governments for allowing us to share these valuable maps with you
Gwitchin Beadwork

Areas of Previous Conservation Interest and Exist...
Bears - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Ol...
Caribou Habitat Suitability - Winter
Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat
Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat
Coal and Iron Potential
Coho Salmon Spawning Habitat
Contaminated Sites
Distribution of Radio-Collared ... Caribou 2004
Distribution of Radio-Collared ... Caribou 2005
Ecologically Important Areas (detailed)
Ecologically Important Areas (generalized)
Existing Land Use Impacts
Fall to Late Fall Distribution and Migration of Satell...
Fire History (1950-2005)
Fisheries Specific Lake Information Summary
Fisheries Stream Information Watershed Summary
Forest Site Potential in Old Crow Area
Furbearers - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory ...
Heritage Values and Traditional Land Use
Historic Fish Trap Locations and Important Lake/...
Identified and Potential Over-Wintering Fish Habitat
Identified Wetlands
Important Areas for Future Economic Development
Land Status
Landscape Types
Landscape Types with High Susceptibility to Clim...
Late Fall to Winter Distribution and Migration of...
Location of Moose and Aerial Survey Boundaries ...
Marten Habitat Suitability - Winter
Mineral Potential and Resource Interests
Moose - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and...
Moose Habitat Suitability – Early Fall
Moose Habitat Suitability – Late Fall
Moose Habitat Suitability – Spring/Summer
Moose Habitat Suitability - Winter
Oil and Gas Potential and Resource Interests
Porcupine Caribou Herd – Yukon Wildlife Key Areas...
Porcupine River Watershed and Major Sub-Basins
Range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd
Raptors- Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and ...
Regional Ecosystems – Bioclimate Zones and Eco...
Regional Ecosystems – Ecoregions and Ecodistricts
Regional Overview
Sheep - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old...
Simplified Geology and Ecodistricts
Simplified Surficial Geology and Ecodistricts
Tourism and Recreation
Tree Height in Old Crow Area
Vuntut Gwitchin Current Land Use
Waterbird Habitat Potential
Waterbird Population Surveys and Major Wetland...
Waterbirds- Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and...
Winter to Spring Distribution and Migration of Sat...

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Map # Title Description Data Source
1 Regional Overview
Overview of North Yukon Planning Region – communities, land ownership, transportation, important features and existing protected and special management areas Yukon Government; North Yukon Planning Commission
2 Land Status
Land ownership, existing permits and exploration rights (oil and gas and minerals), and lands withdrawn from disposition (Protected Areas and North Yukon Interim Land Withdrawal in North Yukon Planning Region (current as of October 2007) Yukon Government
3 Simplified Geology and Ecodistricts
Overview of regional bedrock geology conditions and Ecodistricts Yukon Geological Survey
4 Simplified Surficial Geology and Ecodistrict
Overview of regional surficial geology conditions, significant terrain features (wetland complexes and major riparian features) and Ecodistricts North Yukon Planning Commission; Yukon Environment; Gartner Lee Limited
5 Porcupine River Watershed and Major Sub-Basins
Overview of major sub-basins in Porcupine River watershed North Yukon Planning Commission; Department of Fisheries and Oceans
6 Regional Ecosystems – Ecoregions and Ecodistricts
Ecoregions and Ecodistricts of North Yukon Planning Region Yukon Environment; Gartner Lee Limited; Cryogeographic Consulting; Yukon Ecoregions Working Group; North Yukon Planning Commission
7 Regional Ecosystems – Bioclimate Zones and Ecodistricts
Bioclimate zones and Ecodistricts of North Yukon Planning Region North Yukon Planning Commission; Yukon Environment; Gartner Lee Limited
8 Landscape Types
Landscape Types (biophysical map) of North Yukon Planning Region as described by regional biophysical mapping (current to March 2006). North Yukon Planning Commission; Yukon Environment
9 Identified Wetlands
Lakes, wetlands, wetland complexes, and river/stream networks in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Yukon Wetlands Technical Working Group, regional terrain mapping and topographic mapping. Yukon Wetlands Technical Working Group; Gartner Lee Limited; 1:50-1:250K NTDB
10 Fire History (1950-2005)
Historical fire activity in North Yukon Planning Region and surrounding areas of Yukon for period 1950-2005 (current to March 2006). Yukon Fire Management
11 Landscape Types with High Susceptibility to Climate-induced Change
Landscape Types in North Yukon Planning Region anticipated to experience high rates of climate-induced change (measurable vegetation changes within in a 3-5 decade period).. North Yukon Planning Commission
12 Porcupine Caribou Herd – Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of Porcupine Caribou herd distribution and movement information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops. Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
13 Moose - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of moose distribution and movement information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops. Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
14 Bears - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of bear distribution and movement information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops. Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
15 Furbearers - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of furbearer (marten, mink, beaver, otter, lynx, wolf, wolverine and arctic fox) distribution and movement information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops. Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
16 Sheep - Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of sheep distribution and movement information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
17 Waterbirds- Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of waterbird distribution information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops Yukon Environment; CWS; DU; Community of Old Crow Land Users
18 Raptors- Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory and Old Crow Traditional Knowledge
Synthesis of raptor (peregrine falcon, bald eagle, golden eagle, gyrfalcon, osprey, merlin, rough legged hawk, ‘other raptors’) distribution information as documented by Yukon Wildlife Key Areas Inventory database and Old Crow community workshops. Yukon Environment; Community of Old Crow Land Users
19A Range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd
Porcupine Caribou Herd range, including Alaska, Yukon and NWT (version 2004). Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service;
19B Distribution of Radio-Collared Porcupine Caribou (1983-2005)
Porcupine Caribou distribution patterns in North Yukon Planning Region based on 1983-2005 radio telemetry – calving and general use areas are shown by use period.. Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; North Yukon Planning Commission
20 Distribution of Radio-Collared Porcupine Caribou (1983-2004)
Porcupine Caribou distribution patterns for entire herd range based on 1983-2004 radio telemetry – calving and general use areas. Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; North Yukon Planning Commission
21 Fall to Late Fall Distribution and Migration of Satellite-Collared Porcupine Caribou (1985-2004)
Summary of identified migration routes and high use areas in fall and late fall periods within Porcupine Caribou Herd range. Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; North Yukon Planning Commission
22 Late Fall to Winter Distribution and Migration of Satellite-Collared Porcupine Caribou (1985-2004)
Summary of identified migration routes and high use areas in late fall and winter periods within Porcupine Caribou Herd range Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; North Yukon Planning Commission
23 Winter to Spring Distribution and Migration of Satellite-Collared Porcupine Caribou (1985-2004)
Summary of identified migration routes and high use areas during late winter within Porcupine Caribou Herd range. Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; North Yukon Planning Commission
24 Caribou Habitat Suitability - Winter
Winter (November 1 – March 31) Porcupine Caribou Herd habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users, biologists and regional biophysical mapping Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; CWS; North Yukon Planning Commission
25 Location of Moose and Aerial Survey Boundaries (1995 – 2003)
Location of moose aerial survey boundaries (summer, fall and winter) and observed moose locations within those survey areas for period 1995 – 2003. Yukon Environment; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Access Consulting Group
26 Moose Habitat Suitability – Spring/Summer
Spring / Summer (June 1 – July 31) moose habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users, biologists and regional biophysical mapping. Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; North Yukon Planning Commission
27 Moose Habitat Suitability – Early Fall
Fall (pre-rut, August 15 – September 15) moose habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users, biologists and regional biophysical mapping Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; North Yukon Planning Commission
28 Moose Habitat Suitability – Late Fall
Fall (rut to late fall/freeze up, September 16 – October 31) moose habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users, biologists and regional biophysical mapping Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; North Yukon Planning Commission
29 Moose Habitat Suitability - Winter
Winter (November 1 – March 31) moose habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users, biologists and regional biophysical mapping Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; North Yukon Planning Commission
30 Marten Habitat Suitability - Winter
Winter (November 1 – March 31) marten habitat suitability conditions in North Yukon Planning Region as described by Community of Old Crow land users and regional biophysical mapping. Community of Old Crow Land Users; Yukon Environment; North Yukon Planning Commission
31 Waterbird Population Surveys and Major Wetland Complexes
Summary of documented waterbird population surveys in North Yukon Planning Region in relation to major wetland complexes and rivers for the period 1955- present. DU; CWS; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Yukon Wetlands Technical Working Group
32 Waterbird Habitat Potential
Summary of waterbird habitat potential in North Yukon Planning Region based on adjacency to major open water features, riparian zones and wetlands. North Yukon Planning Commission; DU; CWS
33 Fisheries Stream Information Watershed Summary
Summary of known fish species information and general level of fisheries knowledge for major sub-basins of the Porcupine River watershed.. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
34 Fisheries Specific Lake Information Summary
Summary of fish species information for identified lakes in the North Yukon Planning Region. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
35 Historic Fish Trap Locations and Important Lake/Wetland Complexes
Summary of documented traditional use fish trap locations and their relationship to important wetland complexes with high fisheries value.. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
36 Identified and Potential Over-Wintering Fish Habitat
Summary of documented and potential overwintering fish habitat based on literature review and Community of Old Crow land user knowledge. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
37 Coho Salmon Spawning Habitat
Identified Coho salmon spawning habitat in Porcupine River watershed (information current as of spring 2005).. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
38 Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat
Identified and potential Chum salmon spawning habitat in Porcupine River watershed (information current as of spring 2005).. Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
39 Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat
Identified and potential Chinook salmon spawning habitat in Porcupine River watershed (information current as of spring 2005). Environmental Dynamics Inc. 2005. Porcupine River watershed fisheries summary; North Yukon Planning Commission
40 Heritage Values and Traditional Land Use
Summary of documented archaeological sites and Vuntut Gwitchin traditional use and culturally significant areas (including caribou fences and fish traps) in North Yukon Planning Region (updated October 2007). Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; North Yukon Planning Commission
41 Vuntut Gwitchin Current Land Use
Current Old Crow resident land use patterns - important travel routes, trails and use areas (updated October 2007). Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; North Yukon Planning Commission
42 Tourism and Recreation
Tourism and recreation values documented for North Yukon Planning Region. Values include existing and future potential activities. Tourism and recreation values as displayed include wilderness travel corridors, road-based tourism corridors, important tourism nodes and features, and high recreational feature values based on landscape properties. Yukon Tourism; Vuntut Gwitchin Heritage Department; Yukon Parks; North Yukon Planning Commission
43 Oil and Gas Potential and Resource Interests
Oil and gas basins, current oil and gas permits and significant discovery licenses (current October 2007), historical well locations and documented seismic lines.. Yukon Oil and Gas Management Branch
44 Mineral Potential and Resource Interests
Mineral potential, documented mineral occurrences and existing mineral interests (i.e. mineral claims) in North Yukon Planning Region (current October 2007). Yukon Geological Survey; Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources
45 Coal and Iron Potential
Coal and iron potential map of North Yukon Planning Region based on documented occurrences and interpretation of bedrock geology mapping.. Yukon Geological Survey
46 Tree Height in Old Crow Area
Tree height classes in the Old Crow area based on 1:50,000 scale vegetation (forest) inventory mapping.. Yukon Forest Management
47 Forest Site Potential in Old Crow Area
Long-term forest site potential in the Old Crow area based on 1:50,000 scale vegetation (forest) inventory mapping. Yukon Forest Management
48 Important Areas for Future Economic Development
Synthesis of important areas for future economic development consideration with focus on oil and gas, tourism and recreation and transportation. High mineral potential areas as displayed on Map 44 - Mineral Potential and Resource Interests are not currently shown due to uncertain knowledge of resource. Updated October 2007.. Yukon Tourism; Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources; North Yukon Planning Commission
49 Existing Land Use Impacts
Synthesis of existing and historical land use impacts based on compilation of human feature mapping. North Yukon land use impacts as displayed include direct, visible footprints resulting from transportation, industrial and community/communications features (current as of March 2006). Yukon Oil and Gas Management Branch; Geomatics Yukon; Yukon Lands Branch; North Yukon Planning Commission; Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
50 Contaminated Sites
Identified contaminated sites in North Yukon Planning Region resulting from historical land use activities (current as of 2004).. DIAND, Yukon contaminated sites database
51 Areas of Previous Conservation Interest and Existing and Interim Protected Areas
Existing and interim protected areas / special management areas and documented areas of previous conservation interest. Areas shown represent a synthesis of previous documented conservation area concepts. International Biological Programme; North Slope Order in Council 2005/53; Porcupine-Peel Landscape Summary Report; Yukon Protected Areas Secretariat
52 Ecologically Important Areas (detailed)
Synthesis of ecologically important areas in North Yukon Planning region based on compilation of important Porcupine Caribou Herd calving and concentrated use areas, wetland complexes, major river corridors, significant riparian areas, and identified sheep areas. Community of Old Crow Land users; Environment Canada, CWS; Environment; United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; DU; Yukon Wetlands Technical Working Group; North Yukon Planning Commission
53 Ecologically Important Areas (generalized)
Synthesis of ecologically important areas in North Yukon Planning region based on compilation of important Porcupine Caribou Herd calving and concentrated use areas, wetland complexes, major river corridors, significant riparian areas, and identified sheep areas. Community of Old Crow Land users; Environment Canada, CWS; Environment United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division; DU; Yukon Wetlands Technical Working Group; North Yukon Planning Commission

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